Farragut Connector Replacement Project

Photograph of Farragut Connector Entrance showing pedestrian exiting.

Project Overview

The Farragut Connector is an existing path that provides bicyclists and pedestrians access along Farragut Drive between Jasmine Avenue and Jackson Avenue.  The Farragut Connector Replacement Project (Project) includes demolition of the existing improvements and construction of new fencing, pedestrian-oriented lighting, plants and trees with an irrigation system, a combined bottle filler/pet drinking fountain, and permeable pavement.  

The primary objectives of the Project are as follows:

  • Use the entire width of the City’s 25’ parcel of land (instead of just 10’ as it does now) to provide additional room to traverse the path more safely; and
  • Improve the appearance of the path, including ensuring that new plants and trees are irrigated to maintain their health; and
  • Enhance safety at the Jasmine side of the path by directing users to “stay right” and strategically placing mirrors and pavement markings to guide them; and
  • Install illuminated bollards to light up the path at night for safety but minimize spill over into the windows of the adjacent homes. 

Concept Consultant, Inc. has been selected as the General Contractor.

Construction Schedule

  • Construction is estimated to begin in April 2024 and conclude August 2024.
  • Once construction is complete the Public Artwork will be installed.

Construction Impacts

Temporary Closure of Farragut Connector April to August 2024.

Public Art Component

The Cultural Affairs Division released a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to competing artists to design, fabricate and install a tiled mural on the existing smooth concrete wall that separates the City’s property from the 4201 Jackson Avenue residence next door.  The selection process has two phases:

  1. Three to five qualified artists from the RFQ will be selected as finalists. (Completed)
  2. Finalists will receive a small stipend to prepare design proposals for the Cultural Affairs Commission, City Council, and the neighborhood representatives. (Now underway)

The mural artwork will be installed after the Project construction is complete to avoid damage to the artwork.

Project Images

Conceptual Drawings

Rendering: Farragut Connector Concept 1

Rendering: Farragut Connector Concept 3

Rendering: Farragut Connector Concept 3

Rendering: Farragut Connector Concept 4

Community Meetings & Responses to Community Feedback

Community Meetings

  • Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) presentation on August 18, 2021
  • Neighborhood Community Meeting on January 27, 2022 attended by more than 30 neighboring residents and other community members

Two different concepts for redevelopment of the site were presented at each meeting by Linda Endler, the City’s Landscape Architect. Following the presentations, staff received feedback that was used to refine and prepare the final conceptual plan for the City Council’s consideration at its June 27, 2022 meeting.  

Response to the Community Feedback

Meandering vs. Linear Path Design

Although the BPAC favored the meandering path design, the neighbors overwhelmingly preferred the more linear path design as they felt the straighter path and additional width it created would reduce near misses between pedestrians, strollers, wheelchairs and walking bicyclists. The new path increases the existing width of 10’ to 22’ at both entrances, then varies between 10½’ – 13’ down the middle. The path will also be “centered” within the City parcel’s 25’ width, in lieu of straddling the property line of its 4203 Jackson Avenue neighbor as it does now.  A series of three bulb outs (or chicanes) provide traffic calming and encourage bicyclists (who have not dismounted) to slow their speed. A new smooth-surface style of interlocking permeable pavers will be suitable for all users, including wheelchairs, strollers and joggers. A combined bottle-filler/pet drinking fountain will also be installed. 

Landscape and Privacy

To provide privacy for the two adjacent residences, 5’ wide landscaped buffers planted with screening trees will line both sides of the path. These landscaped areas, bordered by low concrete curbing, will contain water-conscious plant species to cover the ground, illuminated bollards, and an irrigation system. At each end, a median planted with an accent tree will give the space visual impact and identity, as well as help guide traffic around them.

Minimize Dwell Time

The neighborhood residents overwhelmingly wanted to ensure that “park-like” amenities were not included in the design to discourage dwell time. Instead, they preferred users of the path to travel from one end to the other without stopping. As a result, proposed benches, bicycle racks, and a bulletin board containing fliers and community art postings were removed from the concepts. 


There is a blind corner on the Jasmine end of the path, where many neighbors have experienced near misses with bicyclists. To minimize conflicts and ensure a safer passage, the final design will guide users to “stay to the right” as they enter/exit the area through use of signage and pavement markings such as arrows and “Walk Your Bike,” as well as separating each direction with a median containing a large tree. As an additional precautionary measure, mirrors will be installed on the Jasmine side. “No Motorized Vehicles” signage will be mounted at both ends of the path.

A row of locking, removable bollards, spaced 42” to 48” apart, will be installed on the Jackson Avenue side to prevent motor vehicles from entering the path, however, the bollards will be removable to provide easier access to City crews when they perform maintenance activities.  

A row of low-level LED-illuminated bollards will be placed along both sides of the path to provide safety and security.

Bike Boulevard Integration

The City’s 2020 Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan includes the “Bike Boulevard” project, a bicycle path along Farragut Drive between Overland Avenue and Duquesne Avenue. The Project recommends signage, pavement markings, traffic calming devices, and ADA curb ramps. Although the details of the Bike Boulevard Project have yet to be developed, the Farragut Connector project will include an ADA curb ramp at the Jackson Avenue side for bicycles, wheelchairs and strollers. 

Project Funding

  • Construction Project: City of Culver City General Fund
  • Public Artwork Component: Cultural Trust Fund


Farrugut Connector, Culver City 90232  View Map

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