Water Conservation

Photograph of residential home with front lawn planted for drought conditions


The City of Culver City is committed to conserving water and creating a sustainable community.





Culver City receives water from both Los Angeles Department of Water & Power (LADWP) and Golden State Water Company. Your service provider depends on your address. Refer to your provider's restrictions. City and State restrictions also apply to all water users.



Culver City Water Saving Projects & Restrictions

As of June 2022, there are no Culver City water restrictions in addition to those imposed by the State of California or by regional water suppliers Los Angeles Department of Water & Power (LADWP) or Golden State Water Company.

In 2015-16, in response to a severe drought, the City adopted a Water Conservation Plan that included a number of Capital Improvement Projects designed to reduce the City’s water use. The $145,000 Water Efficient Fixtures Project included replacing valves on existing toilets that reduced their per-flush use of water, waterless urinals, low-flow shower heads, and faucet aerators that reduced the spout’s water flow. Collectively, over 300 fixtures at 24 City-owned facilities were replaced or retrofitted, which reduced the City’s water use by 35%. View the water use comparison chart.(PDF, 115KB)

Golden State Water Company Water Restrictions

Stage 1

As a result of recent dramatic rainfall, Golden State Water service areas have moved from Stage 2 to Stage 1 of their Water Shortage Contingency and Staged Mandatory Water Conservation and Rationing Plan (effective May 14, 2023).

In Stage 1, customers are allowed to water outdoors three days a week. 

Although no longer in Stage 2, given that water conditions will continue to evolve, customers are encouraged to voluntarily reduce water usage and to use water wisely, only using what is needed and not one drop more. Golden State Water may additionally charge customers who exceed their baseline drought allocation.

Outdoor Irrigation/Watering 

1. In Stage One, outdoor irrigation/watering is limited to (3) days/week. 

2. Outdoor irrigation/watering is prohibited between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM.

3. Outdoor irrigation/watering is limited to eight (8) minutes per controller station/valve.

View Culver City's watering schedule.

Multi-Unit Residential and Non-Residential Customers

Commercial, industrial, and institutional water customers must also adhere to updated State restrictions prohibiting watering non-functional turf, unless the user certifies that the non-functional turf is a low water use plant with a plant factor of 0.3 or less and demonstrates the actual use is less than 40% of reference evapotranspiration. View CA State Water Resources Board Emergency Regulations 05/24/2022.(PDF, 248KB)

Get a Free Water Audit

To help customers identify leaks, Golden State Water is providing free water audits. Participating customers will receive a free Flume Smart Home Water Monitor, a device that helps monitor water use, identify leaks, and control water costs directly from a smartphone app. Flume typically retails for $199, but we are offering this remarkable technology free to participating customers.

To schedule your water audit now, email Conservationdept@gswater.com or call customer service at toll-free: (800) 999-4033.

Learn More

Learn more about Golden State Water's drought-related updates as developments.

Customers are encouraged to follow @GoldenStateH2O on Twitter and Facebook for real-time information about the drought and local water service.

For more information, contact

Golden State Water Company
(800) 999-4033  

LADWP Water Restrictions

Los Angeles Department of Water & Power (LADWP) water schedules and restrictions are effective June 1, 2022. (See map below of LADWP service areas within Culver City.)

General Water Usage

LADWP requests customers reduce their per person use of potable water by seven (7) gallons a day, which is the equivalent of reducing showering time by four minutes, or shutting the faucet off during a 2-minute tooth brushing cycle and 5-minute shaving cycle.

Outdoor Landscape Irrigation/Watering 

1. Outdoor landscape irrigation/watering is limited to (2) days/week according to the following schedule:

  • Addresses ending in an even number : Thursday and Sunday
  • Addresses ending in an odd number: Monday and Friday

2. Outdoor irrigation/watering is prohibited between the hours of 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

3. Outdoor irrigation/watering is limited to maximum of eight (8) minutes per station, per watering day for traditional sprinkler systems and two (2) 15-minute cycles per watering day for those equipped with water conserving nozzles.

Multi-Unit Residential and Non-Residential Customers

Commercial, industrial, and institutional water customers must also adhere to updated State restrictions prohibiting watering non-functional turf, unless the user certifies that the non-functional turf is a low water use plant with a plant factor of 0.3 or less and demonstrates the actual use is less than 40% of reference evapotranspiration. View CA State Water Resources Board Emergency Regulations 05/24/2022.(PDF, 248KB)

Learn more about LADWP watering schedules, customer rebates, and conservation activities.

Los Angeles Water and Power service area map for Culver City

State of California Water Restrictions


The State of California permanently prohibits the following practices that waste potable water:

  • Hosing off sidewalks, driveways and other hardscapes
  • Washing a motor vehicle with a hose, unless the hose is fitted with a shut-off nozzle
  • Operating a fountain or decorative water feature, unless the water is part of a recirculating system
  • Watering outdoor landscapes in a manner that causes excess runoff, or within 48 hours following measurable precipitation
  • Irrigating with potable water of ornamental turf on public street medians
  • Watering non-functional turf at commercial, industrial and institutional sites (unless the user certifies that the non-functional turf is a low water use plant with a plant factor of 0.3 or less, and demonstrates the actual use is less than 40% of reference evapotranspiration).

Violation of any of these prohibited/restricted water-use activities may be subject to a fine for each day in which the violation occurs.

Learn More About California State Water Regulations

Governor's Executive Order Regarding Drought 03/2023(PDF, 3MB)



Reports & Presentations


Tips & Resources

In addition to complying with all local, regional, and state requirements, you can help reduce water use:

  • Use pool covers to decrease evaporation
  • Wash vehicles at commercial car wash facilities (most have a water recycling system)
  • Use water-efficient toilets, washing machines, dishwashers, and irrigations controllers
  • Replace your lawn with sustainable, low water-use landscape
  • Replace your faucets and showerheads with water-efficient models


Learn More