Culver City Stands United Against Hate

Culver City United Against Hate

In conjunction with LA vs Hate and United Against Hate Week (September 21, 2024 - September 27, 2024) efforts, Culver City is committed to building further recognition and continuing education within our community on the importance of reporting hate crimes and the use of the 211 system as a safe and confidential means of reporting hate crimes.

United Against Hate Week Activities September 21, 2024 - September 27, 2024

4 Ways to Mitigate Implicit Bias

When: Monday, September 23, 2024 | 06:00 PM to 07:30 PM
Where: The Culver City Senior Center - 4095 Overland Ave, Culver City, CA 90232

Everyone holds implicit biases. That doesn’t make us “bad people,” it just means that we have some work to do. In this free, in-person, training hosted by the City of Culver City and facilitated by Right to Be, explore what implicit bias is, how it develops, its impact in society, and the role it plays in all aspects of life.

Start by learning the brain science behind implicit bias, and how the part of the brain that used to protect us now holds us back. Through polls, brief thought experiments, and journaling, reflect on how implicit bias can show up in our actions and the impacts those biases can have on ourselves and our teams. Then, roll up your sleeves up and get to work! Practice four concrete strategies that you can begin to use to mitigate bias in your own life. 

Located at the Culver City Senior Center in Rooms B45 and B47, space is limited so Register Today! 

United Against Hate Week: Resilience: This Moment and Beyond

Wednesday, September 25, 2024 | 06:00 PM to 07:30 PM

What is resilience? Using guided practice facilitated by Right to Be, begin the journey of learning how to hold pain and still find joy. Explore how to make sense of the moment and learn practices to recover quickly when we’re knocked down by the world. 

Located at the Culver City Senior Center in Rooms B45 and B47, space is limited so Register Today!

United Against Hate Lunch and Learn

Thursday, September 26, 2024 | 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Hate crimes are real, chronically underreported, and have widespread negative impacts on targeted communities.  Meet our esteemed discussion panel and learn how we can work together to create safer communities and support victims of hate and hate crimes. Our discussion panel features representatives from the following:

  • Mental Health Professionals from LAOP
  • Culver City Mobile Crisis Team
  • Culver City Police Department
  • LADA Office Victim Services

Located at the: 
Los Angeles Outpatient Center at
6053 Bristol Parkway, Culver City, CA 90230

Learn about exciting and informative community events and activities across the United States for 2024's United Against Hate Week!


Reporting Hate

Reporting hate is the first step in stopping it. By filing a report as a victim, witness, or advocate for a victim of hate crimes and hate incidents, you are helping to identify areas in need of intervention and prevention resources. You also have the option to consent to receive free follow-up and additional support with resources in your community. By understanding how and where hate is occurring through the reports, our communities can respond with appropriate resources and support, which can include protecting your civil rights, healing from trauma, and taking action to prevent hate from happening to others.

Victims should not suffer in silence. It is critical to report a hate incident, which includes any act of verbal or physical aggression, refusal of service, bullying, or intimidation of any kind that is motivated by hostile prejudice. We cannot do anything to stop hate crimes and incidents unless we know about them.

Report Hate Call - 211

If you are in immediate danger or a crime is being committed, please call 911.

Call 211 to report hate and seek support. 211 LA is a hub for community members and community organizations looking for health, human, and social services in Los Angeles County.  Their programs provide outreach and education, service navigation, or care coordination to access and obtain services that best meet individual needs, through their free and confidential 24-hour 2-1-1 call line, or through their website. Support is provided in 140 languages.

 By filing a report as a victim, witness, or advocate for a victim of hate crimes and hate incidents, you are helping to identify areas in need of intervention and prevention resources. You also have the option to consent to receive free follow-up and additional support with resources in your community.

211 is not affiliated with law enforcement.  
If you would like to file a police report or pursue criminal charges, please contact your local police department or submit an anonymous report to.

After Reporting Hate

Callers will be connected with a professional trained in culturally competent communication and trauma-informed practices. Whether you report online or by phone, you will be contacted by a care coordinator who will follow up with you to ensure you are able to access resources and support, including legal, financial, mental health, and mediation services.

Are Reports of Hate Anonymous?

Yes. All reports are confidential and can be made anonymously. Whether or not you report anonymously, your identity will not be disclosed without your consent unless required by law.

211 is not run by the police. Reports will not be shared with law enforcement without consent. 211 can share information about how to report to police or local prosecutors if needed.

You do not need to disclose your immigration status when you report with 211.
Hotline services are provided for free, regardless of immigration status.


What is a Hate Crime

The term "hate" can be misleading. When used in a hate crime law, the word "hate" does not mean rage, anger, or general dislike. In the context of "Hate Crime" - “hate” means bias against people or groups with specific characteristics that are defined by the law. The "crime" in hate crime is often a violent crime, such as assault, murder, arson, vandalism, or threats to commit such crimes. It may also cover conspiring or asking another person to commit such crimes, even if the crime was never carried out.

What is the difference between a Hate Incident and a Hate Crime?

Hate Incidents

Hate Incidents are non-criminal acts that involve bias-motivated hostility in which a victim’s real or perceived race/ethnicity, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, gender, or sexual orientation is a substantial motivating factor. Hate Incidents are acts of prejudice that are not crimes and do not involve violence, threats, or property damage. Hate incidents can include:

  • Derogatory name calling
  • Insults
  • Bullying
  • Hate mail
  • Refusing service
  • Displaying hate material on your own property
  • Posting hate material that does not result in property damage
  • Distribution of materials with hate messages in public places.

Hate Crimes

Hate Crimes are crimes against a person, group, or property motivated by the victim’s real or perceived protected social group. If a hate incident starts to threaten a person or property, it may become a hate crime. The law protects against many classes of hate crimes. This definition is codified in the California penal code sections 422.55 to 422.95 pertaining to hate crime. The U.S. Constitution allows hate speech as long as it does not interfere with the civil rights of others. Following are examples of bias-related crimes that are forbidden by the law:

  • Threats (verbal or written)
  • Physical assault or attempted assault
  • Hate-related graffiti, including swastikas and other offensive symbols
  • Cross-burning
  • Bomb threats
  • Arson
  • Disturbance of religious meetings
  • Vandalism or property damage


What is LA vs Hate and United Against Hate Week

Standing up to hate is not easy - but by supporting our communities in their efforts to resist and report hate, we are confident that L.A. County will become a more safe and inclusive space for the more than 10 million people who live here,” said Robin Toma, Executive Director of the LA County Commission on Human Relations.

LA vs Hate

LA vs Hate is a community-centered system designed to support all residents and communities targeted for hate acts of all kinds in Los Angeles County. Led by the LA County Commission on Human Relations, LA vs Hate partners with community partners from all five Board of Supervisors’ Districts, representing a diverse coalition of voices committed to prevent and respond to hate. 

  • Address the normalization of hate and inspire people to stand up to it.
  • Build understanding about what constitutes a hate act and how to report it.
  • Support individuals and communities as they heal from the trauma of hate

Learn more about how LA vs Hate Began.

United Against Hate Week

United Against Hate Week emerged from a United Against Hate poster campaign created by Bay Area Cities in response to white supremacist rallies in Berkeley and San Francisco in 2017. And has now spread to over 200+ communities including all of Los Angeles County, faith-based groups, LGBTQ and human rights organizations, and is beginning to takeoff throughout California and in communities across the U.S. 

A call for seven days of local civic action by people in every community to stop the hate and implicit biases, “United Against Hate Week” seeks to empower community members to take action in their local communities. By empowering residents to understand what a Hate Crime is and providing the appropriate resources to local communities United Against Hate week endeavors to alter the course of hate and the growing intolerance by sending a clear message that hate of any kind be rejected. The belief is that building a safer and more equitable world starts by working together.

This year United Against Hate week will fall on November 12 - November 18, 2023. Visit our Diversity Equity and Inclusion Current Projects Page to see how you can join Culver City in standing United Against Hate.