Equity & Human Relations Advisory Committee

Contact Information

(310) 253-5640

Subscribe to Equity & Human Relations Advisory Committee Email Updates


The Equity & Human Relations Advisory Committee (EHRAC) meets on a quarterly basis on or as needed on the 4th Tuesday of the months of July, October, January and April at 7 PM, or as needed at another time and place agreed upon by the EHRAC.

  • Attend In-Person:  Indoor masking is highly recommended, but not required, at City Council, Commission, Board and Committee meetings.
  • Attend Remotely:  Click on the meeting date below and you will be joined when the meeting begins. When you join the Webex meeting you have a choice of how to receive the audio. The best way is to select the “call me” option and enter your phone number. As a reminder, chat function allows you to send a message to the meeting host only.

Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Submit a Complaint for Discrimination, Retaliation or Harassment 


Nomination Period for the Equity and Human Relations Award are now open through March 31, 2025! 

Upcoming Events


EHRAC's Community
Contributions Award 

Nomination are now open!
Submissions accepted through March 31, 2025.

Submit your nomination on-line here!

Presentation TBD

Community Conversation: 
Spark Healing Through Conversation: How the Middle East Crisis Affects Me

Community Conversation 
All participants must fill out a waiver.

Avoid the line and fill out your waiver here!

February 25, 2025

6 PM- 9:00PM

Culver City Senior Center Rooms B45 and B47

4095 Overland Ave
Culver City, CA 90232