Past Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Events and Efforts

Overlapping hands in the shape of a heart

1. Resolution Acknowledging Culver City’s Racial History

Culver City’s City Council adopted a Resolution Acknowledging Culver City’s Racial History at a Special Meeting on June 17, 2021.  City Council’s discussion, receipt of community comments, information from City staff, and motion can be watched or heard by viewing the Special Meeting on June 17, 2021, or reading the meeting minutes.  The adopted resolution sets forth actionable steps that the City is working to organize and operationalize using the City’s Racial Equity Action Plan.

It is our duty to be a leader in creating a culture that ends racial disparities within city government, and to promote racial equity through policy, procedures, and programs that inspire the Culver City community.

2. How the City Became Involved in GARE

Race and Equity logo

In 2016, the City Council held a workshop aimed at preparing a Strategic Plan for the City.  The workshop identified “promoting workforce diversity and development” as one of its key objectives.  Shortly thereafter, various City Council and staff attended a presentation given by the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE), which led the City to join the organization as an official member. GARE is a national network of local governments working to achieve racial equity and to advance opportunities for all.  GARE leads with race to acknowledge that racial inequity has been built into all sectors of government, rendering disparate outcomes for people of color. As public servants, we have the opportunity to improve programs and policies that support and uplift communities instead of maintaining decades of systemic marginalization.    

In late 2016, a cohort of staff representing all departments was formed who attended a year-long series of courses conducted by Race Forward. In late 2017, the City created an additional cohort who completed the same curriculum. The work continues today with a GARE Core team consisting of members from both cohorts.  Together, using Adaptive Leadership principles, the two cohorts have teamed up to prepare the City’s Racial Equity Action Plan (REAP), a document that aims to normalize conversations around race, organize staff capacity through training, and operationalize racial equity by embedding a racial equity lens into routine decision-making. Through the use of Results Based Accountability, the City can start to develop its vision for racial equity in partnership with community. One of the trainings identified in the REAP is to attend a staff training on implicit bias. In 2018, 173 employees attended Reverend Dr. Bryant T. Marks’s 4-hour Implicit Bias training course, which identifies the unconscious biases we all hold and how these biases can have significant and detrimental implications in our everyday decision-making. 

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3. The Creation of the Equity and Human Relations Advisory Committee

The Equity and Human Relations Advisory Committee (EHRAC) is an advisory body to the City Council and/or the City Manager, established on January 27, 2020, to recommend programs, policies, and activities that promote positive human relations and equitable outcomes and opportunities in all aspects of community life.

Learn More about EHRAC


4. Community Conversations and Teach-Ins

The Culver City Ad Hoc Equity Subcommittee, Council Members Lee and Sahli-Wells, hosted an ongoing series of teach-ins and conversations around individual, institutional, and structural racism. The series of teach-ins aimed to meet the urgency of the moment by listening to community voices and recognizing how racism shows up in interpersonal interactions, institutions, and cultural, historical, and ideological structures. Each conversation focused on how racism manifests itself in our systems. 

The Equity Subcommittee held its first conversation as part of the ongoing series of teach-ins on June 19, 2020, also known as Juneteenth.  This date holds incredible significance by commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States. 

June 19, 2020

Culver City Equity Subcommittee Community Conversation



July 24, 2020

Individual, Institutional, and Structural Racism: Finding Meaning in the Maze



October 3, 2020

Culver City Equity Subcommittee - Community Teach In- Third Conversation





5. The Rise of Hate Crimes and Target Groups

May 14, 2021: The Equity and Human Relations Advisory Committee (EHRAC) held a Community Teach In event titled, "The Rise of Hate Crimes & Target Groups". 


6. Juneteenth Celebration 2021

June 19, 2021: The Culver City’s Equity and Human Relations Advisory Committee held an event titled, "Juneteenth Celebration of Community Resilience, Healing and Promise".


Program schedule:

  • Welcome & Indigenous Land Acknowledgement hosted by Cicely Bingener
  • Poem by Marc Lipman
  • Interactive Wordle in response to "FREEDOM Is"
  • Poem by Beverly Glass
  • Musical Selection- Oh Freedom performed by Tameron Gennae and Mike Turner
  • Dramatic Reading of Frederick Douglass excerpt  by Devin Hayden 
  • Brief History of Juneteenth and Current Relevance
  • Interactive Freedom Dance Lesson by Taniah Orr
  • Interactive Community Juneteenth Kahoot Game
  • Poem by Mildred Cunningham
  • Interactive Wordle in response to "I will push Freedom forward by..."
  • Program close


7. Indigenous Peoples Day 2021 



8. Transgender Day of Remembrance 2021


9. Civil Discourse Workshop 2021

5 people in a meeting - 4 have their hand raised

Are you concerned about the fury and at times vitriol that many Culver City residents have experienced during difficult discussions? Have you been frustrated by “the other side’s” unwillingness to listen? Do you believe this is harmful? How we communicate is a major factor in if we are able to communicate. We need meaningful, community-building discussions—during meetings of any group and on a one-to-one basis.

The Culver City Equity and Human Relations Advisory Committee (EHRAC) is hosting a Civil Discourse Workshop, with a facilitator from the Institute for Civility in Government (ICG) who will educated and assisted residents and the EHRAC as they crafted civil discourse guidelines that any group can use when about to discuss a controversial issue.

See completed Civil Discourse Guidelines here.

10. Asian American Storytelling 2022

5 close up photos of different flowers

The Equity and Human Relations Advisory Committee (EHRAC) presented this special event in observance of Asian American Awareness month. The event featured four (4) Storytellers including Rolla Selbak, Aileen Poehls, Jomeline Balatayo, Ph.D., and the Honorable Thomas Small, former Mayor of the City of Culver City. Storytellers shared stories exploring both the challenges and blessings of being Asian American. There was a section of the event designated for Asian American art with various art pieces and their meanings. The program schedule was as follows:

  • Welcome and introduction
  • Storytellers shared their stories
  • Storytellers reflected on each of the stories shared
  • Q&A facilitated discussion with the audience
  • Final remarks and conclusion of special meeting


11. Latino Heritage Month Celebration 2022

Folklorico dancers standing in a group

The Equity and Human Relations Advisory Committee (EHRAC) is presenting this event to honor and celebrate Latino Heritage Month, which is celebrated September 15 through October 15 every year. The event took place at the Culver City Senior Center and featured Folklorico dancers, storytellers, student art and poetry, and a brief history of Culver City Latinos. The event included the following:

  • Performance by Folklorico dancers
  • Storytelling
  • A Brief History of Culver City Latinos
  • Q & A discussion with the audience


12. Transgender Day of Remembrance 2022

Blue and purple Transgender Day of Remembrance image with white highlights

The Equity and Human Relations Advisory Committee (EHRAC) is presented this event in worldwide observation of the Transgender Day of Remembrance. Since 1999, the Transgender Day of Remembrance has been observed throughout the world to commemorate the killing of transgender and non-binary people and to tell their stories. The November 15, 2022, event took place virtually, via web conference, and in-person in the Patacchia Room at City Hall. The event featured student speakers, presentations, performances, and more.

13. Paper Tigers Movie Screening and Community Conversations 2022

Teens walking into a school

The Equity and Human Relations Advisory Committee and the Culver City Unified School District invited participants to learn about how to reform systems to focus on students' well-being and needs using a trauma-informed model of education. The documentary screening and conversation took place in the Mike Balkman Council Chambers on Saturday, December 3 from 1pm-5pm. A community conversation with Culver City Unified School District representatives, a student member, and a community care practitioner followed the screening.

14. Common Peace Non-Violence Workshop 2023

Painting of Mahatma Gandhi

The Equity and Human Relations Advisory Committee (EHRAC) presented a hybrid virtual and in-person workshop facilitated by Candace Carnicelli from Common Peace, a Culver City-based nonprofit whose mission is to further education on nonviolence. The workshop entitled, The Upside of Anger - Understanding and Transformation Our Emotions, provided more understanding about anger, insight into how anger can serve us, and taught participants ways to transform anger into a power for good and connection vs. bad and divisiveness.

15. Community Conversation: Focus on Ageism 2023

a young and older person

How does ageism affect the young and the old? Participants found out through the personal stories and journeys of the panelist ranging in age from teenagers to seniors. Ageism, a widely prevalent form of discrimination, affects people of all ages. Participants and panelist explored the concept of ageism, its impact on individuals and society as a whole, and ways to combat it. 

16. Proclamation Condemning the Rise in Antisemitic Harassment 2023

Zero tolerance for Antisemitism

In response to the surge in Antisemitic Harassment, a proclamation was drafted and submitted by the Equity and Human Relations Advisory Committee, condemning the rise in Antisemitic Harassment Targeting Jewish People, and Standing in Solidarity with those Affected by Antisemitism. The Proclamation was issued, presented and accepted at the August 14, 2023, City of Culver City, City Council Meeting. 

17. Los Angeles County Hate Crimes Report 2023

Mr. Marshall Wongof the Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations

September 26, 2023, the Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations' Marshall Wong presented the 2021 Hate Crimes Report and statistics as they relate to Los Angeles County, and more specifically, as they related to Culver City. Mr. Wong was able to shed light on what types of hate crimes and hate incidents were occurring, where they were occurring and who the targets were all in the hope to bring awareness to what is happening and educate our community on how and when to report them.

Mr. Wong stressed the importance of reporting hate incidents, "We cannot stop the hate, if we are unaware of when and where it is occurring". He further explained how reporting hate via 211 is aiding in the fight against hate.  211 LA is a hub for community members and community organizations looking for health, human, and social services in Los Angeles County. 211 LA only shares reports with partner agencies providing hate prevention, advocacy, and counseling services - as well as the Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations to help identify areas in need of intervention and prevention resources, so that as a community we can put a stop to hate.  Attendees were able to participate in an open-ended Q & A session immediately following the presentation.  

If you were unable to attend, don't worry you can still see the valuable information presented here! (PDF, 2MB)


18. Latino Heritage Month Celebration 2023

Young folkorico dancers in white, pink, and red dresses dancing

The Equity and Human Relations Advisory Committee (EHRAC) presented the 2023 Latino Heritage Month Celebration on Tuesday October 10, 2023, to shine a spotlight on Culver City’s Latino residents past present and future, their achievements, cultures, and challenges. The event included the following activities:

  • A presentation relaying a brief history of Latinos in Culver City and adjacent areas
  • Folklorico Dance Performers
  • Culver City Unified School District Student Speakers
  • The presentation of personal stories from Latino community members
  • Refreshments
  • Student Art Exhibit


19. United Against Hate Week: 2023

Culver City United Against Hate Week Logo with film strips and movie Camera. 

In recognition of the severity and alarming rate of increased hate crimes across Los Angeles County, from November 12 through November 18, 2023, Culver City for the first time, joined in LA vs. Hate's - United Against Hate Week Initiative. Culver City showed our commitment, support, and solidarity along with fellow Los Angeles Communities by: 

  • Issuing a proclamation designating November 12 - November 18, 2023, as Culver City United Against Hate Week.
  • Creating and posting street and light post banners encouraging our community take a stand against hate and to report hate by calling 211.
  • Handing out magnets, postcards, pens and hand flags at the Culver City Senior Center, the Culver City Municipal Plunge, the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Registration Office, the Human Resources Office, and the Culver City Council Chambers with information on the differences between hate incidents and hate crimes and who to report them to.   
  • Launching a new Culver City Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion website linking to the following:

While United Against Hate week officially ended, Culver City is committed to continuing the conversation. Keep an eye out for future trainings, events and activities geared towards resolidifying Culver City's Commitment to Standing Up, Together, United Against Hate!

20. Historical Context Study: 2023 - 2024

Culver Hotel 1938   

Project Began: March 2023
Status: Completed

The City partnered with Architectural Resources Group (ARG) to complete the City of Culver City Historical Context Study. Throughout the historical development of the metropolitan Los Angeles region and in many parts of Los Angeles County, policies and laws were designed to create and uphold discriminatory practices, to segregate Black people and other people of color, and to reinforce racial, cultural, and class bias in home ownership. Learn more about the Culver City Historical Context Study project below or follow this link.


On June 14, 2021, City Council expressed a commitment to making Culver City a welcoming and inclusive community by voting to adopt Resolution No. 2021-R066, acknowledging the racial history of Culver City.

Since then, with the guidance of the City Council and the Ad Hoc Equity Subcommittee, the following meetings and discussions took place:

  • August 8, 2022 – The City Council received a presentation from Kamilah Moore, the Chair of the Department of Justice’s California Reparations Task Force and City staff presented information on how other cities designed their reparation programs to narrow the racial income and housing gap in their cities.
  • September 12, 2022 – City Council authorized the preparation and issuance of a request for proposals to prepare a historical context study.
  • January 23, 2023 – City Council approved a professional services agreement with Architectural Resources Group (ARG) to prepare a historical context study for Culver City to help inform reparation discussions and decisions going forward. 


 A historical context study will include past policy practices of the City and surrounding areas, provide primary and secondary source research, and analysis on how these policies have shaped the City’s current landscape and experience of its inhabitants and to:

  • Get a better understanding of racial and cultural discrimination in Culver City from the 19th century to the present;
  • To document racially and culturally discriminatory practices and policies;
  • Trace demographics through time; and
  • To analyze how these practices and policies have shaped the City's current landscape and the experience of its residents. 



Primary and Secondary Source Resources

Through a combination of primary and secondary source research ARG has gathered data, information, and research from:

  • Existing studies about discrimination
  • Newspaper Archives
  • Local History collections
  • Census and other demographic data and archives
  • FHA/HOLC residential security maps and associated reports
  • Books and other published materials and articles
Community Outreach

In addition to better understand the impact that any discriminatory practices have had on Culver City inhabitants, the City's consultants - Architectural Resource Group (ARG)-conducted outreach to hear from current and former residents, business owners, stakeholders, and others with personal knowledge of the community. Their personal stories have helped tell the story of how past policy practices of the City and surrounding areas have shaped the City’s current landscape and the experiences of its inhabitants. Information received and gathered by the team may have been incorporated into the document or used as starting points for additional research and follow-up. (Please note that no personal identifying information will be included in the study.)



Click here for the Culver City Historical Context Study! (PDF, 4MB)


21. Community Conversation: Courageous Conversations 2024

Speaker sown from behind facing a crowd  

Date: March 19, 2024

Time: 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM


Veterans Memorial Building-
The Rotunda Room
4117 Overland Ave, Culver City, CA 90230

The City of Culver City's Equity and Human Relations Advisory Committee presented Community Conversations: Courageous Conversations Workshop facilitated by Maia Ferdman of Bridges: Intergroups Relations Consulting. The Courageous Conversations Workshop focused on imparting critical courageous conversation skills in a safe and honest place so that participants could engage fellow community members in civil discourse on topics impacting equity and human relations in Culver City. Participants learned valuable tools that helped them:

  • Engage in difficult conversations with honesty and compassion;
  • Build resilient relationships across our differences; and
  • Become a more effective communicator.


22. Los Angeles Hate Crimes 2022 Report: 2024

Erase Hate off of a chalk board

Date: May 15, 2024

Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Culver City Senior Center-
Rooms B45, B47 and the Dining Room
4117 Overland Ave, Culver City, CA 90230

Presented by Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations' Marshall Wong the 2022 Hate Crimes Report and statistics as they relate to Los Angeles County, and more specifically, as they related to Culver City were insightful and eye opening. Mr. Wong was able to shed light on what types of hate crimes and hate incidents were occurring, where they were occurring and who the targets were all in the hope to bring awareness to what is happening to our community.  

 If you were unable to attend, don't worry you can still see the valuable information presented here! (PDF, 2MB)