Government Transparency

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Financial & Investment Reports 

The City of Culver City strives to meet the highest standards in financial transparency by publishing its Financial & Investment Reports online.

Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports


Bradley-Burns Uniform Local Sales and Use Tax Revenue Agreements Declaration

Under Section 7213 of the Revenue and Taxation Code (Bradley-Burns Uniform Local Sales and Use Tax Law), the City is required to provide annual information regarding agreements entered into by the City that result in the direct or indirect payment, transfer, diversion, or rebate of Bradley-Burns local tax revenues.

The City has entered into no such agreements as of the close of fiscal year 2023-2024. 



Financial Transparency Applications

The City also proudly leverages technology to provide a variety of tools to ensure readily accessible fiscal information. In a data-driven society ever pressing for increased openness in government, Culver City has responded by working with world-leaders in data financial transparency applications: 


Navigate the Socrata catalog of data sets and transparency suites to drill into budget and spending data in vivid color.