Connect Culver Blvd


The Connect Culver Blvd Project will construct a combination of conventional (Class II) and protected (Class IV) bike lanes on Culver Blvd between Duquesne Ave and Elenda St, closing a gap in the City's existing bikeway network. Once built, cyclists will enjoy a continuous, east-west bikeway corridor that spans the entire length of Culver Blvd.

graphic of people of various ages and abilities being mobile

Project timeline

September 2024 – Late 2024

Community Outreach & Stakeholder Engagement
Make your voice heard! City staff will be presenting preliminary conceptual plans at the City's Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee meetings and Mobility, Traffic & Parking Subcommittee meetings. These meetings are open to the general public—you are encouraged to attend and provide your feedback!

City staff will also be reaching out to businesses and residents along the corridor to make them aware of the project.

Feedback can always be sent at any time to

November/December 2024

City Council Review
After collecting community feedback, City staff will finalize the conceptual plans for the the project and present them to the City Council for approval. This webpage will be updated once a City Council meeting date is confirmed, so be sure to check back regularly!

Early 2025 – Fall 2025

Finalize Design
Upon approval from the City Council, staff will prepare the final design plans for the project.

Construction is contingent upon funding. Upon identification of a funding source, this website will be updated with a construction schedule.

Review the Conceptual Plans

See what's in store by reviewing the conceptual plans for the Connect Culver Blvd Project. The conceptual plans are preliminary and subject to change based on stakeholder & community feedback and City Council direction.

Connect Culver Blvd Conceptual Plans

Community Meetings

If you live, work, or play along the project corridor, we want to hear from you! Attend an upcoming meeting to learn more about the project, ask questions, and provide your feedback.

Upcoming Events

Date Event
Thursday, September 19, 2024 Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting
Wednesday, October 16, 2024 Mobility, Traffic & Parking Subcommittee Meeting


This project is funded through the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP).