On January 24, 2022 the City Council approved the Downtown Outdoor Space Expansion Project to provide increased, flexible outdoor areas for existing and future businesses. The project area encompasses four blocks on the east side of Culver Boulevard from Duquesne Avenue to Canfield Avenue. The general scope of the project focuses of the removal of large, in-ground planters, installation of new paving treatments, and upgrading furnishings.
Construction will result in loss of temporary outdoor dining spaces, a brief loss of driveway access to property along the route, and construction noise, dust, etc. even though every effort will be made by the City and the Contractor to minimize these inconveniences.
Construction Sequence
Downtown Culver City - East Culver Boulevard between Duquesne Avenue and Canfield Avenue, View Map
Downtown Culver City - East Culver Boulevard between Duquesne Avenue and Canfield Avenue ,
Construction Inspector
Bob Neiwirth RTI Consulting Inc.
(310) 383-2613
Diana Szymanski Associate Engineer Engineering Division
Diana.Szymanski@culvercity.org (310) 253-5623