Planning the future of mobility and connectivity in Culver City.
Completed in 2017, the Culver City Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Visioning Study and Recommendations center on re-focusing mobility planning in the TOD area to include multiple modes – pedestrians, transit, and bikes, in addition to automobile traffic, which has historically guided mobility planning.
Beginning with the Expo Station at its core, the study explored linkages to connect the station area better with Downtown Culver City and with its surrounding neighborhoods (TOD area).
Through a series of public workshops and numerous interviews and focus group meetings, the project team identified mobility issues of primary concern to residents and other stakeholders and outlined in its report multiple interconnected measures for addressing them. In addition to the workshop series, interested parties mapped and posted their comments on an interactive website.
The central goal defined through the engagement process is to provide more and better choices for circulation by increasing the viability of alternative mobility mode choices for residents and other users alike. The recommendations are based on a framework of connected mobility networks to allow people to drive less and walk, bicycle, and take transit more. Within this framework of mobility principles for the TOD area and pursuant to the defined goals, the TOD Visioning report presents a series of categorical recommendations for physical intervention.
Mobility & Traffic Engineering Division
(310) 253-5634