Bystander Intervention Training for Public Spaces

silhoueetes of people backlit against a rainbow sky

Join us as we learn the tools to safely and effectively combat hate in our public spaces!

We all have a responsibility to do something when we see street harassment happening, but too often we freeze. We don’t know what to do. Bystander intervention gives us tools to intervene without compromising our own safety.  When we intervene, we don’t just reduce trauma for the person being street harassed. We also start to chip away at the culture that allows harassment to be so prevalent. Alone we can’t shift the culture — but together — our actions matter.

In this training facilitated by Right to Be our goal is to give you the tools to intervene the next time you witness harassment in public spaces. You will be equipped with the right information on how to be an effective bystander in the midst of public space harassment using Right to Be's proven 5Ds methodology their five strategies for intervention. Then you will have the opportunity to practice so you leave the training feeling more prepared to successfully and safely intervene. Pre-Registration is recommended.

Interested in attending?

Register and Fill Out the Waiver for the Bystander Intervention Training Here! 


  • Tuesday, June 25, 2024 | 06:00 PM - 07:30 PM


Culver City Senior Center, 4095 Overland Ave, Culver City, 90230, View Map

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