United Against Hate Week: Resilience: This Moment and Beyond

Painting of Mahatma Gandhi

Facilitated by the City of Culver City Human Resources Department and Right to Be:

Resilience is especially important when working through crisis and trauma. The City of Culver City and Right to Be, is offering this free interactive, and experiential learning opportunity to teach you how to author your own resilience, using Right To Be’s resilience methodology: sit with what is, create your story, and be in choice.

Start by talking about what resilience really is, and how it’s different (and harder) than self-care. Explore how we’re making sense of this moment — and how that’s shaping our experience of it. Then, using guided practice, learn how to hold pain and still find joy and learn practices to recover quickly when we’re knocked down by the world.

Located at the Culver City Senior Center in Rooms B45 and B47. 

Interested in attending?

Pre-Registration is strongly recommended.
Avoid the line- Fill out your Waiver and Register Here Today!


  • Wednesday, September 25, 2024 | 06:00 PM - 07:30 PM


Culver City Senior Center: Rooms B45 and B47
4095 Overland Ave.

Culver City, 90232