About Culver City Learn about the history of the area, when Culver City became a city, and see how it used to look.
Ballona Creek Ballona Creek is an 8.8 mile watershed which flows through Culver City before emptying into the Santa Monica Bay. Bike Ballona Creek to visit murals and to learn more about the watershed.
Culver City Farmers Market Visit the Culver City Farmers Market every Tuesday from 2 PM to 7 PM. The market features a wide variety of organic, sustainable and specialty offerings.
Museums, Sites & Tours Take a tour, experience some art and learn some history or just take in the sites in Culver City.
Parks & Recreation Find City parks and get information on recreation classes from youth sports and arts to adult classes and senior activities.
Volunteer We are happy to help all community members in their efforts to find the perfect opportunity to give back.
My Neighborhood Discover what's happening in and around your area. You can find everything from parks and facilities, through to events and projects.
Culver City Historical Society Satisfy your curiosity about this fascinating city and attend lively programs and visit the Archive and Resource Center.