Performing Arts Grant Program

Click on each of the sections below for details about the Culver City Performing Arts Grant Program, including guidelines, eligibility, instructions, and links to open the application form.

The City of Culver City offers grants to support dance, music, and theatre performances. This program brings performing arts to the community and helps make them accessible to everyone. 

Culver City wants everyone to have a chance to experience and enjoy the arts and our grants helps make this happen. We support a wide variety of artists and organizations, especially those who haven't had many opportunities in the past. This includes people of different races, ethnicities, ages, abilities, orientations, genders, and backgrounds. Our goal is to support a variety of cultural experiences for Culver City, including its residents, businesses, artists, and visitors. 

The amount of grant funding available is dependent upon the total deposits made into the City’s Cultural Trust Fund each fiscal year. Additionally, the Performing Arts Grant Program is supported by contributions from Sony Pictures Entertainment.

For questions about the grant program, please email Lee Lawlor at or call (310) 253-5772. 



The City of Culver City sponsors dance, music and theatre performances through its Performing Arts Grant Program, which is under the purview of the City Manager’s Office of Economic and Development, and its Cultural Affairs Commission. Performing arts organizations of all sizes are encouraged to apply to this program.

The City of Culver City is dedicated to achieving cultural equity and inclusion through the Performing Arts Grant Program. Cultural equity and inclusion embodies the values, policies, and practices that ensure that all people—including but not limited to those who have been historically underrepresented based on race/ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, socioeconomic status, geography, citizenship status, or religion—are represented in the development of arts policy; the support of artists; the nurturing of accessible, thriving venues for expression; and the fair distribution of programmatic, financial, and informational resources.  

Award Amounts and Matching Funds

The City Council has allocated funding for this program from the Art in Public Places Program’s Cultural Trust Fund. The amount of grant funding available is dependent upon the total deposits made into the City’s Cultural Trust Fund each fiscal year. The current grant request limit is $12,000. Applicants must provide matching funds that are equal to, or greater than, their requested grant amount. 

What is Eligible? 

  • Any dance, music, or theatre organization can apply, regardless of size. 

  • Your public mission must focus on dance, music, and/or theatre. 

  • You must be a non-profit organization - 501(c)(3) or partnered with a fiscal sponsor. 

  • Your organization must be based in Los Angeles County. (Fiscal sponsors must also be based in Los Angeles County.)

  • You need to complete a Project Budget and SMU DataArts Funder Report. 

  • You need an outreach plan to attract people in Culver City to your show. 

  • Your performance cannot be part of a fundraiser or class. 

  • Each organization can only apply for one project and cannot apply for the Special Events Grant for the same project. 

  • Maximum grant request is $12,000. You need matching funds (equal to or more than what you request). 

  • Your performance must happen between January 1 and December 31, 2025. 

  • The performance venue must be accessible and ADA-compliant.  

What venue is eligible?

All events must take place in an ADA-compliant building, facility, or location that meets one or more of the following criteria:

  • wholly or partially located within Culver City;
  • under the purview of the City of Culver City; or
  • is assigned a USPS zip code in 90230 or 90232.


Grant Application Schedule
Subject to change.

AUGUST 7, 2024
2025 Notice of Funding Availability, Grant Guidelines and Application Available on the Culver City Website 

August 12-22, 2024
Grant Workshops and Technical Assistance

September 12, 2024

October 2024
Peer Panel - Review Meeting and Recommendations  

November 2024
Cultural Affairs Commission Meeting and Recommendations  

December 2024
City Council Approves Final Grant Awards  

January 1 to December 31, 2025
Grant Performances in Culver City


Here's what you need to submit for your grant application: 

  • Online application: Filled out, signed, and submitted online. 

  • Venue permission: A signed letter or email from the venue where your performance will take place. 

  • Budget: Complete the project budget, with all of the expenses and income. Include an explanation of how you'll spend the grant money. See budget sample and follow instructions. 

  • Financial history report: Submit your SMU DataArts Funder Report. 

  • Non-profit status: Proof that you're a non-profit (IRS letter) or partnered with one (fiscal sponsorship agreement). 

  • Video sample: A short video clip showing your prior work is required. 

  • Optional: Recommend that you include up to four attachments (flyers, reviews, articles, email newsletters, photos from your past performances). 

Tips for a strong application: 

  • Review the sample application and prepare your answers in advance. 

  • Make sure that your budget is clear and detailed. Explain how you will use the grant money, and how you will match the grant. 

  • Prepare a brief high-quality video sample of your past performance and upload it directly. Links are accepted but not preferred.  

  • Start your application early and ask questions if needed. Staff may not be available close to the deadline. 


Upload video samples and large files. Only upload files if you are applying for a grant and you have permission to use the materials.

Grant workshops are available to discuss the application and answer questions.
We recommend that all applicants attend a workshop. 
First time applicants are required to attend a workshop.  

Email to sign up for a workshop or for technical assistance.  

Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 1:30 PM (virtual grant workshop)


Requirements: All applicants must follow the procedures in these guidelines and in the Performing Arts Grant Application.

  • Incomplete applications will not be considered. No exceptions.
  • It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application form and required attachments are complete. All applications will be compiled by staff to confirm that they are complete and eligible.
  • All complete applications will be forwarded to a peer review panel of independent individuals with expertise in performing arts and non-profit grants.
  • City staff is not obligated to contact applicants for missing information. Incomplete applications will be disqualified.
  •  All other application materials, including signed venue letter, project budget, funder report, non-profit documents, artistic samples, and attachments, must be uploaded and submitted by the deadline.

Project Budget:
You may use the Budget Templates provided or your own formatted project budget. The budget is for your proposed project only. Detailed budget notes are highly recommended. The Culver City grant request must be included in the budget, as well as other sources of funding. In-kind income and expenses must also be included if applicable, with details. Do not provide an organizational budget.

Link to Budget Template(XLSX, 25KB) (Excel .xlxs)

Link to Budget Instructions with Template(DOCX, 56KB) (Word .docx)

Other Grant Award Requirements: 

  • Get a Culver City Business Tax Certificate and sign a contract agreeing to certain terms. 

  • Contact Cultural Affairs staff before your performance to discuss marketing plans. 

  • Make sure you have any licenses or permits required by the performance venue. 

  • Include specific logos and a credit line in your marketing materials and program. 

  • After the performance, submit an invoice and an evaluation form. 

Contract, Acknowledgement, Marketing

Grant recipients will be required to sign a contract, defining requirements to be fulfilled, including addition of credit and logo in promotional materials and programs. If your grant project or performance details change, it is required that you notify grant staff. Should the contract requirements not be met, the grant award is subject to withdrawal. Grant recipients are required to contact City staff two months prior to their first performance date to review marketing plans for performances in Culver City and to confirm the approved sponsor logos.

Cultural Data Profile Funder Report
The City of Culver City is participating with SMU DataArts to utilize the Cultural Data Profile (CDP). The City of Culver City, along with other funders, requires applicants to complete an annual survey that collects financial and programmatic data. Applicants will complete the online CDP and use that data as part of their application to all participating funders. Organizations with total expenses below $50,000 may opt to complete a shorter CDP form, making the data entry process faster and more equitable for small nonprofits. All applications must include the DataArts Funder Report for the Culver City Performing Arts Grant Program with their application. See CULTURAL DATA PROFILE section below for further instructions. 

Tax Exempt Status Verification
Applicant organizations, or their fiscal receiver, must qualify as tax exempt – as defined by the Internal Revenue Service – at the time the application is submitted. A copy of the non-profit determination letter issued by the IRS must be submitted with the application to be considered eligible.

Use of Funds
Grant awards from Culver City may only be used for direct expenses related to the performances in Culver City. No grants will be awarded for performances that are staged in conjunction with a fundraiser or a class presentation. Funding may be awarded for a single production or a series of performances. 

Compliance with licensing and insurance requirements, including those established by the facility at which the performance will be held, is required. If the proposed project requires performance or staging rights, the applicant is responsible for securing those rights. Applicant shall perform all work in accordance with applicable laws, codes and regulations required by all authorities having jurisdiction over such work.

Final Report and Payment
Grant recipients are required to submit an invoice after the performance and an evaluation form detailing audience attendance, comments, and zip code tally. We recommend that grantees register for direct deposit with the Culver City Finance Department. City staff can assist with that process.

Special Permits
Productions may require a permit, depending upon the location and scope. Application must be made with the Finance Department at City Hall. Please contact the Business License Division at (310) 253-5870 for information on permit fees. 

Culver City Business Tax Certificate
All grant recipients shall be required to obtain a Culver City Business Tax Certificate before a contract can be issued and before any performances. Visit the Culver City Business Services website or call the Business Support Center at (310) 594-7847 for information. If you already have a Business Tax Certificate, it must be renewed annually. No grant contract may be issued without a valid Culver City Business Tax Certificate.

Evaluation and Selection Process
Grant applications will be reviewed by City staff to confirm eligibility and that the application is complete. The eligible applications will be presented to a peer review panel for evaluation and scoring. The panel includes independent individuals with expertise in performing arts and non-profit grants. The recommendations of the review panel will be presented to the Performing Arts Grant Program Subcommittee who will forward its recommendation to the Cultural Affairs Commission for consideration. The City Council will review the recommendations made by the Cultural Affairs Commission and make the final determination concerning grant awards.

Scoring Criteria - 100 Total Possible Points

  • Artistic excellence and cultural merit of project - 45 possible points
  • Culver City outreach and engagement - 20 possible points
  • Realistic project budget and funding - 20 possible points
  • Contribution to cultural equity and inclusion - 15 possible points


1. Use this sample of the grant application to prepare your ANSWERS and gather information.

Sample of 2025 Grant Application - Do Not Submit(PDF, 98KB) 

2. Use these instructions and one of the templates to create your PROJECT BUDGET. Create a final PDF to upload with your application.

Budget Template Excel Spreadsheet(XLSX, 25KB) (Excel .xlxs)

Budget Instructions and Template Word Document(DOCX, 56KB) (Word .docx)

3. Complete the VENUE Letter and gather signatures. Create a final PDF to upload with your application.

Link to Venue Letter of Intent(DOCX, 30KB)  (Word .docx) 



The grant application of September 12, 2024 at 5 PM has passed. Applications are no longer accepted.

If you would like information about future grants, please contact

All submitted applications and attachments are documents of public record upon submission to the City of Culver City and subject to public records requests. Please do not submit any original documents or artwork. Submissions will not be returned.

You can view a sample of the application. This is a sample only, do not submit.(PDF, 98KB)




Performances must take place in an ADA-compliant building or facility that is wholly or partially located in Culver City or under the purview of the City of Culver City or is assigned a USPS zip code of 90230 or 90232. Please note that you are not limited to the venues or locations on these lists. See information below about some of the venues that are often used for performing arts events.

For contact details of these and additional venues, please refer to the Partial List of Culver City Venues.

Veterans Memorial Complex: This complex includes Veterans Memorial Auditorium, Rotunda Room, Garden Room, Culver City Teen Center, and Culver City Senior Center. All facilities are available for rentals and regularly accommodate performances and rehearsals.

Kirk Douglas Theatre: Center Theatre Group is the resident company of the Kirk Douglas Theatre. Only Culver City-based performing arts organizations are eligible to participate in the Kirk Douglas Theatre Community Access Program. Standard rentals are available for other organizations based on availability.

Ivy Substation: The Actors’ Gang is the resident company of Ivy Substation. All applicants are eligible to participate in the Ivy Substation Community Access Program. Standard rental rates apply.

Culver City Parks: There are several parks within Culver City that could accommodate performances. Visit the Culver City Parks and Recreation page for a list of parks with photos, amenities, and contact information. 

Robert Frost Auditorium: Located on the campus of Culver City High School and available for rentals.

Wende Museum: The former armory building, adjacent to Veterans Memorial Park, has been transformed into a modern museum and includes indoor and outdoor spaces suitable for events.

Required: Grant applications must obtain a letter or email from an authorized representative of your selected venue or performance location, and attach it to your submitted application. The letter should include the dates, location, approximate rental costs, and complete contact information for an authorized venue representative. Sample Venue Letter of Intent(DOCX, 30KB) is available. You may use this form or something similar.

Attach the signed venue letter with your grant application. The signature must be from the venue, not from the grant applicant.

Cultural Data Profile Funder Report 

The City of Culver City partners with SMU DataArts to utilize the Cultural Data Profile (CDP). The City of Culver City requires applicants to complete this annual survey that collects financial and programmatic data. All applications must include the DataArts Funder Report for the Culver City Performing Arts Grant Program with their application.

DataArts’ mission is to provide and engage organizations and individuals with the evidence-based insights needed to collectively build strong, vibrant, and equitable arts communities.  The Cultural Data Profile (CDP) is a free and secure online survey that collects financial and programmatic data from nonprofit arts, culture, and humanities organizations so they can apply for grants, gather insights, use data to strengthen a case for support, and contribute to nationwide research.

How do I get started?

How do I fill out the Data Profile?

As you complete your CDP, please keep these items in mind:

 Once you complete the CDP you must generate a Funder Report for City of Culver City Cultural Affairs.

While a Funder Report will generate, it will NOT be automatically sent to The City of Culver City. Save the PDF Funder Report so you can upload and submit it to with the rest of your grant application. 

For new users who need assistance in completing a Cultural Data Profile or current users who need guidance using the new platform, there are frequent online orientation trainings through the DataArts website. You can register for an Orientation to the DataArts Platform through their training calendar. You can also watch a recording of a recent virtual training session

Applicants should direct questions concerning the DataArts Cultural Data Profile to:      

SMU DataArts Support Center Toll Free: (877) 707-3282

The SMU DataArts Support Center is available Monday–Friday from 7:30 AM to 4 PM PST.