Minor Injuries
Staff are certified in CPR/First Aid and will administer treatment for minor cuts, scrapes and bruises. The injury will be logged and the parent will receive notification upon pick-up.
This is a Well Child facility. Do not send your child to CCARP if he/she is not feeling well.
- A child may be too sick to attend if:
- The child does not feel well enough to participate comfortably in the program’s activities.
- If your child has a fever of 100°F or greater, they should remain at home and not return to the program until they have been without a fever for 24 hours/(one day) without the use of any medications such as Tylenol, Advil or Ibuprofen.
- The staff cannot adequately care for the sick child without compromising the care and safety of the other children.
- The child has any of the following symptoms:
- If your child appears sleepy and without energy because they are not feeling well.
- If your child vomits/throws up two or more times in the past 24 hours.
- Signs or symptoms of possible severe illness; i.e., persistent crying, extreme irritability, uncontrolled coughing, difficulty breathing, wheezing, lethargy, etc.
- If your child has a bad sore throat with fever or swollen glands, they should be seen by a doctor and should get a doctor's note before returning to the program.
- If your child has a cold with a really bad runny nose or has trouble breathing through their nose.
- If your child has a bad cough and is coughing up yellowish mucus.
- Any child with a communicable disease, including head lice, will not be admitted to the program without a doctor's release.
Medications that must be administered daily are the responsibility of the parent. No medication will be administered by staff.
Major Injuries
In the event of a major medical emergency, 911 will be called, and the Participant will be transported to the nearest hospital. The parent/guardian will be called immediately. We will use the phone numbers listed on the Emergency Contact Form. In the event that the parent cannot be located, the other Emergency Contacts will be notified. Please advise us, in writing, of all current phone numbers and authorizations.
Emergencies and Unusual Circumstances
Child Abuse
Under Mandatory Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act, California Penal Code Section 11161.5, City of Culver City PRCS staff is mandated to report any suspected form of child abuse to the proper authorities. Harassment of any other children by any parent or family member is considered to be child abuse, and will be reported.
Emergency Procedures
Earthquake and fire drills will be practiced regularly so that everyone will know exactly what to do during such emergencies. If an emergency or disaster requires relocation of the children and staff, parent will be notified via, text, email, or telephone. It is advisable to discuss emergency family plans with your children. This should include arrangements to be made in case you or your designated person is unable to get to the center.
Natural Disasters (Earthquakes, Fires, etc.)
In the event that a natural disaster should occur during the program, all recreation staff will remain on the premises until all children are picked up. Your child will be released only to those persons authorized as Emergency Contacts on the CCARP Participant Information Form.
Community Emergencies
These types of emergencies will be handled on a case by case basis. We will work directly with the Culver City Police Department, Fire Department and Recreation Supervisors for updates, instructions, and procedures we are to follow.