Culver City Parks

Culver City oversees 13 Parks, a regional Senior CenterMunicipal PlungeDog Park, Skate Park, Tennis Courts, Handball Courts, Basketball Courts, Playgrounds, and more!

Park Rules

For the increased enjoyment of all park patrons and in consideration of our park neighbors, the following rules must be observed within the limits of any public park:

  • Permits are required for all gatherings by companies, societies or organizations. Contact the Recreation Registration Office for more information (CCMC § 9.10.045).
  • NO dogs or other domesticated animals (CCMC § 9.10.055.A) in parks, except in The Boneyard Dog Park (CCMC § 9.10.400 and on the designated dog paths (“Pooch Paths”) in Culver West Alexander Park, Culver City Park and Veterans Memorial Park (CCMC § 9.10.600).  Service dogs, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, are allowed.
  • NO carrying or discharging of any air gun, firearm or explosives (CCMC § 9.10.055.B).
  • NO swimming, bathing or polluting any fountain or pond (CCMC § 9.10.055.C).
  • NO fires, except in designated areas (CCMC § 9.10.055.D).
  • NO camping, lodging or storing of personal property (CCMC § 9.10.055.E).
  • NO riding or driving any animal or vehicle other than on designated roads (CCMC § 9.10.055.F).
  • NO leaving bicycles where they may cause harm to others (CCMC § 9.10.055.G).
  • NO sleeping or laying on tables, benches, playground equipment or other areas not intended for such use (CCMC § 9.10.055.H).
  • NO announcing or advertising any good or service for sale or hire. NO placing any stand, cart or vehicle for transportation, sale or display (CCMC § 9.10.055.I).
  • NO gaming or gambling (CCMC § 9.10.055.J).
  • NO conducting business or soliciting without permission of the City Council (CCMC § 9.10.055.K).
  • NO driving any vehicle carrying goods, merchandise or any offensive article (CCMC § 9.10.055.L).
  • NO games involving propelled objects such as arrows or model airplanes (CCMC § 9.10.055.M).
  • NO littering (CCMC § 9.10.055.N).
  • NO fighting or disturbing others by offensive noise or behavior (CCMC § 9.10.055.O).
  • NO interfering with any City employee or volunteer engaged in maintenance (CCMC § 9.10.055.P).
  • NO entering any areas posted “Closed to the Public” (CCMC § 9.10.055.Q, T).
  • Permitted groups must present permit upon request by any authorized City person (CCMC §9.10.055.R).
  • NO disturbing or interfering with permitted groups (CCMC § 9.10.055.S).
  • NO vandalism of City property (CCMC § 9.10.200), including affixing devices or equipment to benches to use during exercise or other activities.
  • No climbing, cutting, breaking, defacing or disturbing any tree, shrub, plant or flower within any parkway or other public area (CCMC § 9.10.200.B).  No affixing devices or equipment to trees to use during exercise or other activities.
  • NO smoking in parks and recreational areas (CCMC § 9.10.500).
  • NO alcoholic beverages (CCMC § 13.03.025).
  • NO excessive noise or offensive behavior (CCMC § 9.04.020).
  • Park hours are dawn to dusk daily. Use of the park is not permitted at any other time unless otherwise posted (CCMC § 9.10.060).

Court Rules

Court hours:

  • Non Lighted Court Hours - Sunday through Saturday from 8:00 AM to Dusk

  • Lighted Court Hours - Sunday through Saturday from 8:00 AM to 10:00PM

  • Fox Hills Park - Open from 8:00 AM until 9:45 PM

While waiting for a court, stay safe and be courteous:

  • If a court is in use, wait for a break in play and politely let the players know that you are waiting.

  • Please wait outside of the court for your turn.

  • When the current players exit the court you may enter.

  • Only City approved lessons permitted.

  • Please report any unauthorized lessons or use to (310) 253-6650.

Tennis, paddle tennis, pickleball and handball courts:

  • Doubles and singles play are permitted.

  • Only City-approved lessons are permitted.

Basketball and volleyball courts:

  • If a court is in use, wait for a break in play and politely let the players know that you are waiting.

  • Please wait off the court for your turn.

  • When the current players exit the court, you may enter.

Note:  You may want to bring water, hand sanitizer or disinfecting wipes to wash/sanitize hands.

Rain Policy

  • No play will be allowed during rain under any circumstances.
  • If it begins to rain after a permitted group has begun use of the field, the staff on duty will inform the group of the rain policy and ask the group to leave.
  • Fields will be closed for at least 24 hours after any significant rain.
  • It is possible that certain fields may remain closed for longer than 24 hours after any rain depending on the condition of the individual field.
  • PRCS management staff will make the determinations regarding #3 and #4 above.

Contact PRCS

Information, Registration, and Rentals
(310) 253-6650

Senior and Social Services
(310) 253-6700

Park Maintenance
(310) 253-6470

Culver City Municipal Plunge
(310) 253-6680





Non-Student Access to the Track at West LA College

The West Los Angeles College (WLAC) track surrounding the athletic field is available to walkers and joggers who reside in Culver City. Track access is from sunrise to sunset when there is no college activity scheduled. To inquire about college activity, call WLAC Rentals at (310) 287-4513 or send an email to   

Regulations for the use of the Track

  • No spikes of any kind may be used on the track
  • Casual walkers and joggers need to stay out of the inside four lanes
  • No smoking or tobacco use
  • No gum, sunflower seeds, or food of any kind is allowed on the track/field 
  • No drinks except water and clear Gatorade or Power Aid type products (spills stain the track and attract ants)
  • No glass containers of any kind
  • No dogs or animals of any kind are allowed
  • No golfing
  • No fireworks
  • No vehicles of any kind on the track surface
  • No high heel shoes are permitted on the track
  • No bicycles, roller blades, baby strollers, or skateboards are allowed
  • No markers or paint of any kind
  • Do not use duct tape or sticky tape of any kind on the fence, bleachers, or benches
  • Track hurdles and other equipment is for the sole use of the WLAC student-athletes and their coaches

WLAC respects what they have and take pride in their facilities, and they expect the same from everyone who uses them.  Anyone who does not follow or respect these facility regulations will be asked to leave or will be escorted off campus by public safety/security personnel. 







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