Business Districts


Economic Development works with local business improvement districts and associations to advance public-private partnerships, streetscape maintenance efforts, activations, special events and attraction/retention programs. 

Downtown Business Association

The Culver City Downtown Business Association (DBA) is led by a volunteer Board of Directors consisting of downtown business and property owners whose purpose is to lead the development of downtown Culver City, while preserving its quality of life for those who live, work and play downtown.

Formed as a marketing organization in 1998, the DBA has expanded its focus to providing a clean, vibrant and well maintained downtown. The DBA continues to seek out new ways to promote the district and continues to strengthen public/private partnerships, while advocating for its over 120 business members.  For more information about business, event and promotions, please visit the Downtown Business Association website.

Culver City Arts District

art-and-roll.jpg The Culver City Arts District was officially approved as a Business Improvement District in 2016.  The district extends from the Ivy Station Development at National Boulevard along Washington Boulevard to Fairfax Avenues and incudes a portion of La Cienega Boulevard, Adams Boulevard, Smiley Avenue and Blackwelder Street.  The District works collaboratively with Economic Development to advance banner programs, maintenance efforts and the annual Art Walk and Roll event each October.   Visit the Arts District website.

If you have questions about the Arts District BID, please call (310) 253-5777 or e-mail

Culver Village

The Culver Village Business District features numerous local, small business products, services and gourmet dining.  More than 50 businesses comprise the district and are located on Sepulveda Blvd. between Culver Blvd. and Franklin Ave.

Washington West Business District    

635839620379170000.jpegThe Washington West Business District (WWBD) is a unique collection of artisan restaurants, creative businesses, and specialty retail and services on the west side of Culver City. The District is generally centered along West Washington Blvd. between Inglewood Avenue and Beethoven Street close to Marina Del Rey.  Diverse restaurants and businesses offer a relaxed urban environment and that has attracted the attention of LA EaterThe Los Angeles TimesThe Wall Street Journal, Fox News, and LA Weekly.