Home Owner Resources
The Planning Division plays an important role in achieving the City’s goals and objectives related to the physical development of Culver City. The Planners are here to assist residents in understanding and applying the City’s zoning and subdivision ordinances.
The Planning Counter at City Hall is open Monday – Thursday, and alternating Fridays ( Friday Schedule), from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM. The Planning Division is located on second floor of City Hall. Read below to find out more information about your house or another specific property in Culver City.
Looking to find out more about your home in Culver City? There are many resources to help you discover information about your property! This section is a guide for a home owner or potential home owner in Culver City that may answer a variety of questions you may have, for example, building a new home, adding a fence, adding onto your existing home, etc., and all of the required permits and licenses that may apply.
Find property assessment data, maps and general information regarding your parcel and the buildings on it at The Los Angeles County Assessor.
Obtain existing building permits by contacting the Culver City Building and Safety Division at (310) 253-5800 or building.safety@culvercity.org.
Find out the Zone your property is in by visiting the City Maps .
Reference the Neighborhood Design Guidelines before designing your home:
Gateway Adjacent Neighborhood Design Guidelines(PDF, 8MB)
Gateway Neighborhood Design Guidelines(PDF, 5MB)
Residential Parkway Guidelines(PDF, 16MB)
Common Home Projects that Require Planning Division Approval (and useful links)