Special Permits

What is an information card and who needs it?

An information card, issued by the City, shows the public that an organization seeking to solicit donation of funds, goods or services in support of a charitable purpose has filed with the City the required notice of intention to solicit. An information card is not an endorsement by the City of either the organization or the charitable purpose for which the solicitation is being conducted.


What events need a special permit? How do I apply? What is the cost?

All events open to the public require a permit from the City. Application must be made in person at the Finance Department at City Hall. Please contact the Business License Division at (310) 253 - 5870, for information on permit fees. Download the Special Permit application(PDF, 434KB) .

How can I apply for a cannabis business permit?

Any cannabis related business is required to obtain a cannabis business permit before beginning operations in Culver City. Information on how to apply for a cannabis business permit is available on the City’s Cannabis webpage. The number and availability of cannabis business permits is limited.

What business activities need a special permit? How do I apply? What is the cost?

The following business activities require a special permit to operate from the City. Application must be made in person at the Finance Department at City Hall. A police background check may be required for some business activities.  Please contact the Business License Division at (310) 253 - 5870, for information on permit fees.

Ambulance Service
Animal Show w/ Admission
Art/Antique Show-Promoter
Art/Antique Show-Vendors
Auction House Auctioneer
Auto Parking Lot
Auto Parking Service (Valet)
Beer Bar
Billiard Hall
Bowling Alley
Bridge Card Room
Bus Service
Car Wash
Catering Truck
Charitable Bingo
Charitable solicitation
Check Cashing Service
Christmas Tree/Sales
Closeout/Bankruptcy sale
Cocktail Bar
Computer Services (On-Line/Credit Card)
Curb Painting
Dancing/Soft Drink Establishment
Dismantling/Wrecking Yard
Employment/Talent Agency
Finance/Escrow Service
Fortune Teller
Funeral Parlor/Mortuary
Golf Course/Drive Range
Handbill Distributor
Health Club/Physical Training
Ice/roller Skating Rink
Impound Yard
In-Home Health Care
Klieg Lights/Advertising
Lecture/Ltd Time Performance (open to the public)
Limousine Service
Massage Tech /Acupressure
Massage/Acupressure Facility
Newspaper (fee)
Pool Hall
Radio Station
Rentals/Motor Vehicles
Rentals-Personal Property
Rest/Retirement Home
Restaurant serving beer/wine/alcohol
Sales Broker-Used Merchandise
Salvage Dealer/Collector
Sanitarium/Convalescent Hospital
Security Guards/Detective
Sidewalk/Rummage Sale
Special Event (Vendors)
Street Vendor-Non Motor
Tanning Facility
Tattoo Parlor
Telephone 900 Service
Telephone Solicitation
Ticket Sales
Towing Service
Trade Show-Promoter
Trade Show-Vendors
Travel Agency
Used Computer Sales
Used Merchandise Sales
Used Motor Vehicle Sales
Vehicle Fleet Sales
Vending/Amusement Machines
Veterinarian/Animal Hospital
Wedding Chapel