Information related to the Red Flag/High Wind Weather Warnings and Fire Events in Neighboring Cities
Capturing and managing stormwater in the Ballona Creek Watershed is an important goal for Culver City.
We have developed stormwater quality goals and requirements to assist in meeting stormwater quality compliance targets, to comply with the provisions of the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit, and to address the City's water quality priorities.
Stormwater pollution harms plants, animals, and people. By taking these small steps, we protect our beautiful city and ensure clean water for everyone. Every action counts—let’s all do our part!
Stormwater and Urban Runoff Stormwater Quality Master Plan Washington Boulevard Stormwater and Urban Runoff Project Culver Boulevard Realignment and Urban Runoff and Stormwater Project Citywide Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Implementation Syd Kronenthal Park Stormwater Project Mesmer Low Flow Diversion Project