Zoning Code Update

The Final Review Draft of the Zoning Code Ordinance is now available! The Zoning Code adoption hearings are scheduled for Planning Commission on August 14, 2024 and City Council on August 26, 2024. Visit the Picture Culver City website for more details.

Final Review Draft(PDF, 6MB)

Final Review Draft - Tracked Changes Version(PDF, 14MB)

The update of the Zoning Code is intended to support the city’s growth in an orderly manner and promote and protect the public’s health, safety, peace, comfort, and general welfare in conformance with the General Plan. The following are objectives of the Code update:

  • Update the Zoning Code to implement the land use patterns and development framework established in the Culver City 2045 General Plan Update.
  • Update the zoning map with zoning districts that implement and are consistent with the General Plan land use designations.
  • Update the development regulations, processes, and procedures in the Zoning Code to be consistent with the General Plan and recent changes to State law.

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